Monday 17 June 2024

Follow-Up Information

 The pleasure of this hobby is the chance to share questions and to hear from such knowledgeable and helpful people.

Further to my questions about buildings at the Eastern end of the battlefield, I've received some further information.

Kindly sent to me by Chris, this aerial shot shows Papelotte in the centre ground with la Haye Farm behind it.  I was led to believe that La Haye burnt down in the early 1900s but this photo would suggest La Haye survived until later.  The buildings in the foreground don't quite match the ones on Siborne's map, below.

This close up of La Haye shows that it was a large building with a distinctive barn at an oblique angle to the main complex

The Craan map sent to me by Essling  matches the Siborne evidence

Google earth may help

Some close ups from the Siborne model

Friday 14 June 2024

Mystery Buildings at Waterloo

 Having studied the Battle of Waterloo for many years it seems almost impossible to believe that there could be an aspect of the battle that you have never previously noticed.

But in studying the eastern end of the Allied line, I have noticed something new and am surprised that it has gone unnoticed in any report that I have read.  Maybe I am being stupid and I would welcome anyone who can help enlighten me.  Let me explain...

Given this visual evidence, can anyone provide information on what happened to these buildings during the battle?  Were they defended by the Nassauers? were they attacked by Durutte? were they successfully defended or were they taken?

I will ask permission of the National Army Museum for close ups of the model so that we can construct appropriate models.

Saturday 8 June 2024

Rossomme Revisited

 Liam has produced yet another carriage, this time a baggage vehicle for the Imperial headquarters.  Here are some photos of the carriage with some other shots of the farm.

Saturday 1 June 2024


 I had a play around today with some conversions.  I wanted some staff officers for Rossomme who were informally posed.  I also wanted them to be slim line and not needing too much attention from the scalpel.

I chose these guys: