Liam kindly painted a battery of Foot Artillery of the Old Guard a few months ago. The battery consisted of the usual eight pieces but did not have its caissons.
The sad demise of Westfalia Miniatures means that, along with Schilling, these wonderful figures will no longer be available. Taking advantage of the huge generosity of Thomas Mischak who bought up most of the remaining stock, Liam has painted eight An XI caissons and ancillary vehicles to give this Guard battery the ammunition and spares it needs.
Space is short at La Belle Alliance so the caisson convoy is sitting further back, a little north of Rossomme and south of the 1st and 2nd Battalions of the 1st Grenadiers shown in my last post.
The pictures show just how much space Napoleonic artillery needed to deploy. Napoleon had 254 guns at Waterloo and this shows the caissons needed to serve just eight of them.