Thursday 30 May 2024

Rossomme Update

 Liam has been hard at work on more carriages for the diorama.  To remind you, Napoleon had 11 carriages at Waterloo and we can assume some of his commanders must have had some as well.  I imagine that these were either at Le Caillou or Rossomme and that only some came forward to La Belle Alliance.  We are therefore showing the bulk at Rossomme.

I've also been working on a few figures to pad out Larrey's field hospital at Rossomme.  There is no evidence to suggest that it was as densely used as Mont St Jean for the allies, but I think there would still have been quite a few casualties present.


Liam's latest carriage is having a wheel change

No army went on campaign without its bridging train.  But where was Napoleon's at Waterloo? My guess is at Genappe, but for the purposes of the diorama, it is on the road at Rossomme

Staff officers with maps

The wheel being changed

Space left for Liam's next carriage

Staff officers on the Rossomme Heights.  Two of these are by Andre


  1. What a treat and feast for the eyes! Simply masterful.

    Kind Regards,


  2. Thanks Stokes, lovely to hear from you!

  3. The coaches add extra charm to an already ridiculously amazing diorama!

  4. Thanks Stryker, kind Liam has another one under production, see TMP for more.
