Sunday 4 August 2024

2nd Line Battalion of the Brunswick Corps


The 2nd Line Battalion of the Brunswick Corps wore the standard black uniform of the Brunswickers with green facings.  Having expanded from the small Brunswick Oels and Avantgarde contingent that fought in the Peninsula to a full division of infantry, many Brunswick infantry were young and inexperienced conscripts.

The Brunswick contingent fought in three parts at Waterloo: the veteran Leib and Avant Garde battalions at Hougoumont and two infantry brigades, one light and one line in the centre-right of Wellington's position.

Several witnesses suggest that the young Brunswickers became unsteady towards the crisis of the cavalry charges but none of their squares were broken.

My square of the 2nd Line Battalion shows heavy casualties and an increasingly disordered but unbroken square.  The battalion faced the Empress Dragoons.

The figures are painted by Andre with many other conversions.  I made about 100 casualties from various sources.  Schilling figures are present in large numbers, along with Hat and Strelets.  

Art Miniaturen mounted officer

The Empress Dragoon is from Linear A.

Another Linear A figure

Schilling officer

Strelets figures

A few 3D printed casualties from Graham

Most of the drummers converted from British Italeri


  1. More superb work and great photos too!

  2. Thanks Stryker, black is the hardest colour to paint!

  3. Magnificent yet again! The casualties and slight 'bowing' of the square really add a sense of motion and a feel for the pressure of resisting those repeated charges of cavalry.
    Regards, James

  4. Thank you James, your support is much appreciated!
