Friday 30 August 2024

Maison Lacoste

 I spent a couple of days of leave making the sections that link Rossomme to la Belle Alliance.  They are not yet complete but give a sense of the distances involved.  This is the high section of the battlefield and the ground does not alter that much.  

Decoster's farm (sometimes known as Maison Lacoste) links the two.  Decoster was the unfortunate farmer who acted as Napoleon's unwilling guide on the day of Waterloo.  he may have resented the role at the time but he later made a career as a tour guide.

Decoster's farm on the Siborne model, courtesy of the National Army Museum

With a hayrick which I'd quite like to add

This shows the barn with its long rear sloped roof

This building on Google earth is in a similar place, but the angle of the roof is very different

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